Yin And Yang

Yin And Yang

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Deprenyl Improves Learning And Memory

Several animal studies have shown that both deprenyl (and its metabolite 1-amphetamine) improves learning and memory. In one study at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, both young (2-month old) and middle- aged (10-month old) male Wister rats were tested on a modified Morris Water Maze. Every animal went through ten trials a day for five consecutive days.30
The middle-aged deprenyl-treated animals learned the maze in an average of only 11 trials compared to 19 trials for the control animals. The middle-aged deprenyl rats even did better than the young controls, who took an average of 13 trials to learn the maze.

Dopamine is one of the most important substances in the brain. It is an essential neurotransmitter that regulates movement, coordination, sex drive, and other critical functions. The lack of it causes Parkinson's Disease, which leads to disability, cognitive decline, and death.

LE Magazine September